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Author: Michael Hiles

Michael Hiles is founder & CEO of 10XTS. He regularly writes and speaks about digital transformation, information governance, risk and compliance, government systems, blockchain, and regulatory policy. His D&D character alignment is chaotic good and he keeps a pretty lit collection of Spotify playlists.

Real World Assets Give Blockchain Tokens Real World Value

Now that asset-backed tokens and stablecoins are starting to become more mainstream, the normalization of the technology still presents some confusion and challenges for the average person.

Blockchain Has Big Problems: Governance, Risk, and Compliance (GRC)

In the magical realm of Blockchain Land, consensus is based upon the underlying math and logic contained within the software used to write new ledger transactions.

Powering Industry-Level Value Chains with XDEX

Some thoughts about the evolution of digital transformation, and how it is being forced upon everyone in real time.

What is “Blockchain Consensus”?

Consensus technology is the foundation of democratic governance and the coordination of free market activity.

What is Market Liquidity?

Liquidity is the degree to which an asset or security can be quickly bought or sold in a market without affecting the asset’s price.

Tokenizing Opportunity Zone Funds With XDEX

10XTS is piloting XDEX as a solution for compliance automation and fractional liquidity in the Opportunity Zone fund space.