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Author: Michael Hiles

Michael Hiles is founder & CEO of 10XTS. He regularly writes and speaks about digital transformation, information governance, risk and compliance, government systems, blockchain, and regulatory policy. His D&D character alignment is chaotic good and he keeps a pretty lit collection of Spotify playlists.

It’s the transaction that matters, not the token

The crypto industry has placed a lot of emphasis onto the token. The token is not what matters. The transaction itself is what matters.

10XTS Attends U.S. Chamber of Commerce Event “Get Smart on Blockchain”

This week, Team 10XTS member Brian Thomas attended the United States Chamber of Commerce “Get Smart on Blockchain” event in Washington D.C.

Why Blockchain Will Disrupt Financial Services

Blockchain is affecting assets and capital markets the same way the internet affected brick-and-mortar retail stores. 

What is a Distributed Autonomous Organization (DAO)?

10XTS is a blockchain software consulting and development group that creates DAO solutions. We are able to launch enterprise-grade DAO software frameworks that can transform existing organizations or create new

10XTS at CES 2017, Hanging Out In Techstars Eureka Park

If you really wanted to find a high concentration of emerging, disruptive tech, Techstars’ Eureka Park was the place to be.