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Category: Insights

Read all of the latest and greatest research and inspirations from our team.

What is Market Liquidity?

Liquidity is the degree to which an asset or security can be quickly bought or sold in a market without affecting the asset’s price.

Tokenizing Opportunity Zone Funds With XDEX

10XTS is piloting XDEX as a solution for compliance automation and fractional liquidity in the Opportunity Zone fund space.

Why Hasn’t Blockchain Changed the World Yet?

Technology adoption curves lag far behind the initial innovation. It takes time for humanity to catch up with what they've created.

Quantum computing threats to blockchain security, are they real?

Encryption protects all kinds of electronic communications, as well as things like passwords, digital signatures, and health records.

The Dark Side of Central Bank Digital Currencies

In the late 1700’s, an English philosopher named Jeremy Bentham enumerated some controversial ideas about social reform. Among his many musings, he believed power should be visible and unverifiable.

Connecting the Real-World to the Blockchain

Current blockchain platforms do not create a native, immutable, mathematically provable link between the blockchain and real-world documents about entities, assets, & transactions.